Sweet [re]production: Developing sound spatialization tools for musical applications with emphasis on sweet spot and off-center perception. PhD thesis, McGill University, Schulich School of Music, Music Technology Area, Montreal, Canada, 2010.
Entwicklung eines drahtlosen, zeitvarianten Binauralsystems auf Ultraschallbasis (Development of a Wireless and Time-variant Binaural Rendering System Based on Ultrasonic Head Tracking), Diplomarbeit (equivalent to MSc thesis), Graz University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz, Austria, 2005.
Search for disclosed patents via PatentGuru
Journal publications
Lawrence J., Ahrens J., Peters N.: Direction of Arrival Estimation Using the Rotating Equatorial Microphone, Frontiers in Signal Processing, 2024.
Leschanowsky A., Popp B., Peters N.: Debiasing Strategies for Conversational AI: Improving Privacy and Security Decision-Making, Digital Society, Springer, 2023.
Turchet L., Lagrange M., Rottondi C., Fazekas G., Peters N., Østergaard J., Font F., Bäckström T., Fischione C.: The Internet of Sounds: Convergent Trends, Insights and Future Directions, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
Bleidt, R. L., Sen, D., Niedermeier, A., Czelhan, B., Füg, S., Disch, S., Herre, J., Hilpert, J., Neuendorf, M., Fuchs, H., Issing, J., Murtaza, A., Kuntz, A., Kratschmer, M., Küch, F., Füg, R., Schubert, B., Dick, S., Fuchs, G., Schuh, F., Burdiel, E., Peters, N., Kim, M. Y.: Development of the MPEG-H TV audio system for ATSC 3.0, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 63(1):202–236., 2017.
Peters N., Sen D., Kim M., Wuebbolt O., Weiss S. M.: Scene-based Audio Implemented with Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA), SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, Vol. 125(9), 2016.
Spors S., Peters N.,: Technology Trends in Audio Engineering – Spatial Audio, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES), Vol. 63(1/2), 2015.
Peters N., Braasch J., McAdams S.: Recording Techniques and Their Effect on Sound Quality at off-Center Listening Positions in 5.0 Surround Environments, Journal of the Canadian Acoustical Association (JCAA), Vol.41(3), 2013.
Miyama C., Schacher J., Peters N.: SpatDIF Library – Implementing the Spatial Sound Descriptor Interchange Format, Journal of the Japanese Society for Sonic Arts, Vol. 5(3), 2013.
Colmenares J., Peters N., Eads G., Saxton I., Jacques I., Kubiatowicz J., Wessel D.: A Multi-core Operating System with QoS Guarantees for Network Audio Applications, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES), Vol. 61(4), 2013.
Peters N., Lossius T., Schacher J.: The Spatial Sound Description Interchange Format – Principles, Specification, and Examples, Computer Music Journal (CMJ), Vol. 37(1), 2013.
Peters N., Braasch J., McAdams S.: Sound Spatialization Across Disciplines Using Virtual Microphone Control (ViMiC), Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS), Vol. 5(2), 2011.
Peters N., Marentakis G., McAdams S.: Current technologies and compositional practices for spatialization: A qualitative and quantitative analysis, Computer Music Journal (CMJ), Vol. 35 (1), 2011.
Braasch J., Peters N., Valente D.: A Loudspeaker-based Projection Technique for Spatial Music Applications using Virtual Microphone Control (ViMiC), Computer Music Journal (CMJ), Vol. 32(3), 2008.
Book chapters and revised proceedings
Leschanowsky A., Popp B., Peters N.: Uncertain yet Rational – Uncertainty as an Evaluation Measure of Rational Privacy Decision-Making in Conversational AI, HCII 2023: Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications, Springer, 2023.
Colmenares J., Peters N., Eads G., Saxton I., Jacques I., Kubiatowicz J., Wessel D.: A Multi-core Operating System with QoS Guarantees for Network Audio Applications, “The Berkeley Par Lab: Progress in the Parallel Computing Landscape,” Dennis Gannon and Michael Wrinn (Ed.), 2013.
Braasch J., Peters N., Van Nort D., Oliveros P., Chafe C.: A Spatial Auditory Display for Telematic Music Performances, International Workshop on the Principles and Applications of Spatial Hearing, IWPASH09, Sendai, Japan, 2009; Revised Selected Papers, World Scientific, 2010.
Marentakis G., Peters N., McAdams S.: Making Spatial Music Accessible: Investigating elementary spatial movements, Echoes – Newsletter of the Acoustical Society of America Vol.18 (2), 2008.
Conference proceedings
Herre J., Disch S., Borss C., Silzle A., Adami A., Peters N.: MPEG-I Immersive Audio: A Versatile and Efficient Representation of VR/AR Audio Beyond Point Source Rendering. AES 6th International Conference on Audio for Games, Tokyo, Japan, 2024.
Leschanowsky A., Gaznepoglu Ü. E., Peters N.: Voice Anonymization For All – Bias Evaluation Of The Voice Privacy Challenge Baseline Systems. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, 2024.
Lawrence J., Ahrens J., Peters N.: Direction of Arrival Estimation with a Circularly Moving Microphone. 50th Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Hanover, Germany, 2024.
Hagadur S. C., Gaznepoglu Ü. E., Peters N.: Investigation of Voice Privacy Challenge Baseline B1 performance under different noise conditions. 50th Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Hanover, Germany, 2024.
Rajasekhar A., Leschanowsky A., Peters N.: Towards Speech Privacy Assessment For Voice Assistants: Exploring Subjective And Objective Measures For Babble Noise. In Proc. of the 35th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), 2024. Winner of Best Student Paper Award.
Moreno M. F., Peters N., de Almeida P.H.V., Pernisa Jr. C.: Towards a representation model and fog-based device orchestration for audio-centric pervasive storytelling. 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds, Pisa, 2023. Winner of Best Paper Award.
Schmidt L., Peters N.: Device Generalization with Inverse Contrastive Loss and Impulse Response Augmentation, 2023 Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE), Tampere, 2023.
Leschanowsky A. Popp B., Peters N.: Privacy Strategies for Conversational AI and their Influence on Users’ Perceptions and Decision-Making, European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023.
Gaznepoglu U. E., Peters N.: Evaluation of the Speech Resynthesis Capabilities of the VoicePrivacy Baseline B1, ISCA Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication, Interspeech 2023, Dublin, 2023.
Gaznepoglu U. E., Peters N.: Deep learning-based F0 Synthesis for Voice Anonymization, 31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Helsinki, 2023.
Leschanowsky A., Popp B., Peters N.: Uncertain yet rational – Uncertainty as an Evaluation Measure of Rational Privacy Decision-Making in Conversational AI, 25th International Conference On Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Copenhagen, 2023.
Peters N., Epain N.: Loudness Perception of Scene-Based Audio across Loudspeaker Configurations and HOA Orders, 154th AES Convention, Helsinki, 2023.
Peters N.: Improving scene classification models for audio coding artifacts, Tagungsband der Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Hamburg, Germany, 2023.
Silzle A., Disch S., Adami A., Peters N., Herre J.: MPEG-I Immersive Audio –The Upcoming New Audio Standard for Virtual / Augmented Reality, Tagungsband der Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Hamburg, Germany, 2023.
Schmidt L. P., Kiliç B., Peters N.: Feature Selection using Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification, 2022 Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE), 2022.
Gaznepoğlu Ü. E., Leschanowsky A., Peters N.: VoicePrivacy 2022 System Description: Speaker Anonymization with Feature-matched F0 Trajectories, VoicePrivacy Challenge 2022.
Lawrence J., Ahrens J., Peters N.: Comparison of Position Estimation Methods for the Rotating Equatorial, 17th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), 2022.
Poepel C., Finger K., Peters N., Edler B.: Exploring a Long-term Data Set of Nature Reserve Ambisonics, 3rd International Workshop on the Internet of Sounds (IWIS), 2022.
Leschanowsky A., Popp B., Peters N.: Adapting Debiasing Strategies for Conversational AI, GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society, 2022.
Rao N. K. S., Peters N.: On the Effect of Coding Artifacts on Acoustic Scene Classification, Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE), 2021.
Leschanowsky A., Brüggemeier B., Peters N.: Design Implications for Human-Machine Interactions from a Qualitative Pilot Study on Privacy, 2021 ISCA Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication, 2021.
Gaznepoğlu Ü. E., Peters N.: Exploring the Importance of F0 Trajectories for Speaker Anonymization using X-vectors and Neural Waveform Models, Workshop on Machine Learning in Speech and Language Processing (MLSLP), 2021. [demo][poster]
Davis G., Schevciw A., Muñoz I., Peters N.: Perceptual Evaluation of Personalized BRIRs and Headphone Compensation, AES International Conference on Headphone Technology, San Francisco, US, 2019.
Shivappa S., Morrell M., Sen D., Peters N., Salehin A. S. M.: Efficient, compelling and immersive VR audio experience using Scene Based Audio / Higher Order Ambisonics, AES International Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality, Los Angeles, US, 2016.
Sen D., Peters N., Kim M., Morrell M.: Efficient Compression and Transportation of Scene Based Audio for Television Broadcast, AES International Conference on Sound Field Control, Guildford, UK, 2016.
Peters N., Sen D., Kim M., Wuebbolt O., Weiss S. M.: Scene-based Audio Implemented with Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA), SMPTE 2015 Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Hollywood, CA, 2015.
Schacher J., Peters N., Lossius T., Chikashi M.: Authoring Spatial Music with SpatDIF Version 0.4, Proc. of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Hamburg, Germany, 2016.
Elizalde B., Lei H., Friedland G., Peters N.: An i-Vector Based Approach for Audio Scene Detection, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, 2013.
Santos J. F., Peters N., Falk T. H.: Towards blind reverberation time estimation for non-speech signals, in Proc. of the 21st International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Montreal, 2013.
Peters N., Lei. H., Friedland G.: Name That Room: Room identification using acoustic features in a recording, in Proc. of the ACM Multimedia 2012, Nara, Japan, 2012. [poster]
Peters N., Choi J., Lei H.: Matching artificial reverb settings to unknown room recordings: a recommendation system for reverb plugins, 133rd AES Convention, San Francisco, 2012. Nominated for Best Paper. [poster]
Peters N., Lossius T., Schacher J.: SpatDIF: Principles, Specification, and Examples, in Proc. of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012. [poster] Winner of Best Paper Award.
Peters N., Lossius T., Place T.: An Automated Testing Suite for Computer Music Environments, in Proc. of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012. [poster] Nominated for Best Paper.
Peters N., Schmeder A. W.: Beamforming using a spherical microphone array based on legacy microphone characteristics., in Proc. of the International Conference on Spatial Audio (ICSA11), Detmold, Germany, 2011. [poster]
Colmenares J., Battenberg E., Peters N., Saxton I., Avizienis R., Kubiatowicz J., Wessel D.: Real-time musical applications on an experimental operating system for multi-core processors. In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Huddersfield, UK, 2011.
Peters N., Braasch J.: Compensation of undesired doppler artifacts in virtual microphone simulations, Tagungsband der Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA), Düsseldorf, Germany, 2011.
Place T., Lossius T., Peters N.: A flexible and dynamic C++ framework and library for digital audio signal processing. In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), New York, US, 2010.
Place T., Lossius T., Peters N.: The Jamoma Audio Graph Layer. In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), Graz, Austria, 2010.
Peters N., Lossius T., Schacher J., Baltazar P., Bascou C., Place T.: A Stratified Approach for Sound Spatialization. In Proc. of the 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Porto, Portugal, 2009.
Peters N., Giordano B. L., Kim S., Braasch J., McAdams S.: Predicting perceived off-center sound degradation in surround loudspeaker setups for various multichannel microphone techniques, 125th AES Convention, Preprint 7580, San Francisco, US, 2008.
Peters N., Matthews T., Braasch J., McAdams S.: Spatial Sound Rendering in Max/MSP with ViMiC, In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2008.
Place T., Lossius T., Jensenius A.R., Peters N.: Flexible Control of Composite Parameters in Max/MSP, In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2008.
Peters N.: Proposing SpatDIF – The Spatial Sound Description Interchange Format. In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2008.
Kendall G. S., Peters N., Geier M.: Towards an interchange format for spatial audio scenes. In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2008.
Place T., Lossius T., Jensenius A.R., Peters N., Baltazar P.: Addressing Classes by Differentiating Values and Properties in OSC, In Proc. of the International Conference for New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), Genua, Italy, 2008.
Marentakis G., Malloch J., Peters N., Marshall M.T., McAdams S., Wanderley M.M.: The Influence of the Performer’s Gesture on the Identification of Spatial Sound Trajectories in a Concert Hall, in Proc. of the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), Paris, France, 2008.
Peters N., Ferguson S., McAdams S.: Towards a Spatial Sound Description Interchange Format (SpatDIF), in Canadian Acoustics, Vol. 35 (3), September 2007; presented at Annual Conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Montreal, Canada, 2007.
Peters N., McAdams S., Braasch J.: Evaluating Off-Center Sound Degradation in Surround Loudspeaker Setups for Various Multichannel Microphone Techniques, 123rd AES Convention, Preprint 7197, New York, US, 2007.
Braasch J., Peters N., Valente D.: Sharing Acoustic Spaces over Telepresence using Virtual Microphone Control, 123rd AES Convention, Preprint 7209, New York, US, 2007.
Peters N., Evans M., Britton E.: TrakHue – Intuitive Gestural Control of Live Electronics, In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007.
Marentakis G., Peters N., McAdams S.: DJ SPAT: Spatialized Interactions For DJs, In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007.
Marshall M., Peters N., Jensenius A.R., Boissinot J., Wanderley M.M., Braasch J.: On the Development of a System for Gesture Control of Spatialization, In Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), New Orleans, US, 2006.
Conference abstracts
Schönwiesner M., Braasch J., Peters N., Zatorre R.: Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus Extracts Reverberation Cues, 21e Journée scientifique, CERNEC – Centre de Recherche en Neurophysologie et Cognition, Montreal, 2013. [abstract]
Lalor E., Mesgarani N., Rajaram S., O’Donovan A., Wright J., Choi I., Brumberg J., Ding N., Lee K. C., Peters N., Ramenahalli S., Pompe J., Shinn-Cunningham B., Slaney M., Shamma S.: Decoding Auditory Attention (in Real Time) with EEG, 36th Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, US, 2013. [poster]
Peters N., McAdams S.: A Perceptual Analysis of Off-Center Sound Degradation in Surround-Sound Reproduction Based on Geometrical Properties, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 131(4); presented at the Acoustics 2012, Hong Kong, 2012. [slides]
Peters N., Schmeder A. W.: Synthesizing classic recording microphones characteristics using a spherical microphone array., J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 130(4); presented at the 162th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, US, 2011. [slides]
Marentakis G., Peters N., McAdams S.: Auditory resolution in virtual environments: Effects of spatialization algorithm, off-center listener positioning and speaker configuration, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 123, 2008; presented at the Acoustics’08, Paris, France, 2008.
Marentakis G., Peters N., McAdams S.: Auditory resolution in auditory virtual environments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 122(5) p. 3054, 2007; presented at the 154th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, US, 2007.
Peters N., Braasch J., McAdams S.: Determining the Area of the Sweet Spot in a Surround Loudspeaker Setup for Various Microphone Techniques, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 120(5), 2006; presented at the 152nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, US, 2006.
Miscellaneous (e.g., Tech Reports)
Schmidt L., Kilic B., Peters N.: Submission to DCASE 2023 Task 1: Device Invariant Training with Structured Filter Pruning for Low Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification, DCASE Challenge 2023, 2023.
Schmidt L., Kilic B., Peters N.: DCASE 2022 Task 1: Structured Filter Pruning and Feature Selection for Low Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification, Technical Report, DCASE Challenge 2022, 2022.
Olivieri F., Peters N., Sen D.: Scene-Based Audio & Higher Order Ambisonics: A technology overview and application to Next-Generation Audio, VR and 360° Video , Technical Review, European Broadcast Union (EBU), 2019.
Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) Transport Format, ETSI TS 103 589, 2018.
Peters N., Crum P.: Rapporteur Report on Advanced Immersive Audio Visual (AIAV) Systems for Programme Production and Exchange. International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, 2017.
Numerous MPEG meeting (WG11SC29) input documents on MPEG-H 3D Audio and MPEG-I immersive audio, 2013-2024.
Peters N., Schacher J., Lossius T.: Specification of the Spatial Sound Description Interchange Format (SpatDIF) V 0.3, 2010-2012.
Fellner M., Graf F., Behr S., Peters N., Graber G., Egger J., Rohde T.: Untersuchung und wissenschaftliche Forschungen zur Akustik und Musikalischer Aufführungspraxis des Domes zu St. Stephan in Wien mit dem Ziel der Ausarbeitung von Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten, 2005